Holiday Splendor: Tree #11

Tea on the Orient Express
The Herb Society of America - Southern Michigan Unit

In the Dining Room, The Herb Society of America - Southern Michigan Unit has set the scene for tea to be served, on a luxurious train journey across Europe. Champagne, tea...but wait, who just left his coat and suitcase by the door? Is there a mystery to be solved?

Agatha Christie has been working at her typewriter all morning, looking for clues, and trying to solve a Murder Mystery. Is she researching poisonous herbs from that book? Is that Rachel's handkerchief, next to a love note and some mistletoe? And who rushed off so quickly, leaving her cape, hat and martini glass behind. Is that Rachel's lipstick on the glass? What's that on the hatpin? Questions that we hope Hercule Poirot will be able to answer, before the end of the trip. The tree completes the scene, tracking the journey from Paris to Istanbul.