Holiday Splendor: Tree #8

Fantasy Christmas for a Young Girl
Deb Brousseau-Moga & Mary Brousseau-McClin

This Hallmark Hall of Fame Ornament Tree is decorated with characters a girl might admire and even wish to emulate. From Madame Alexander to Disney Princesses…from Scarlet in Gone With the Wind to Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz..., and of course, Barbie, who can achieve anything and everything, this tree embodies the beauty of empowered females.

These ornaments are from the collections of both mother (Deb) and daughter (Cristina) who have annually exchanged an ornament or two - or three, or four -  over the last 21 years. Grandma Brousseau, Auntie Mary and Deb have loved exchanging ornaments for the last 49 years!

The toys left by Santa Claus represent some of Cristina’s favorites. The wooden armoire was handcrafted by her Grandpa Guy. The glass domed miniature scene is included as miniature making is another of Deb’s passions.